Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

IT Task

i made this blog for IT task.
my teacher asked us to make a blog n insert the image .... sooooooo i made this post.
for you guys over there, i changed my blog because this blog is too foolish*make me remind the goat n all of things about our memory :)

so, sorry for late to tell you. here is my new blog:

Rabu, 07 September 2011


guys, so sorry, so hard to post this :( i have a trouble here. i will post my post tmrw ya ^^

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Dika n His "lover"

well, this is picture of my cat when he was sleeping with his "girl friend"
i took this picture last evening

so cute, isnt it?kekekeke

fyi: may be i'll not online for 2weeks(less or more). i will have my holiday to celebrate "idul fitri"
so guys, i'll be missing you all ^^ see ya
HAPPY LEBARAN FOR WHOEVER WHO CELEBRATE ^^ im sorry for made so many mistake,hehe

+ R.I.P +

____________________+ R.I.P +___________________
there are times when words just seem so small
nothing can replace the loss of a loved one, like you
with my deepest heart, in hope of eternal life
which God that cannot lie promised before the word began (titus 1:2)
My thoughts n my prayers are with you...
I love you, onyet

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

if i were the most beautiful princess who was born in the same day with "her", would u love me, my ugliest goat? :D

yeah, the answer is "No" although i was the most beautiful princess n actually im not that princess, so i just waste my time to hoping you would love me n now im pretend that im ok :) hehe

hey, for whoever you are who read this post, if you or your friend is a film director, i promote myself to be ur actress,hahahaha
i can be all thing that film need, because my real life is full of acting*LOL

My Status

this is the most painful INJURY!!!

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

beloved mother

:) hello guys
well, yesterday my cat, pricil has born 7 children :)
here is the picture:

:( but guys, one of them was die. doctor said that normally my cat will give birth just for 6 kitten, but she give birth to 7 kitten. n one of them was die :'(

that's the picture when pricil lick her unlucky kitten.
:( dia tau itu mati,tp dia tetep jilatin kucing itu, bahkan digoyang-goyangin trus. jujur iba liatnya, gue smpe hampir nangis pas ngubur krn pricil gkmau lepasin anaknya(walaupun itu mati)

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Surat Untuk Tuhan

Ya Tuhanku, kudekatkan hati ini padaMu. Malam ini.
Ya Tuhanku, kini tanganMulah yg masih hangat mendekapku, saat aku butuh dekapnya dan aku tahu dia tak akan pernah mendekapku. TanganMu-lah yang erat menggenggam tanganku saat aku tak tahu apa aku masih sanggup berdiri ataukah aku akan terjatuh lebih dalam lagi. TanganMu lah yang setia menuntunku hingga aku mampu berdiri dan berlari lagi. Dan aku tahu tangannya hanya menggenggamku dan kemudian melepasku saat aku mulai berdiri perlahan.
Ya Tuhanku, aku tahu hanya padaMu aku kini kembali mengisahkan semua sakit dan bebanku.
Tuhan,tolong sembuhkan...

Tak ada yg menciptakan luka ini,kecuali diriku sendiri…Aku menangis, aku marah. Kau tahu aku sedih, aku kecewa, aku sudah sangat terluka. Bukan “karenanya” atau karena mreka yg baik hati. Rasa itu telah ku ciptakan sendiri ketika aku mulai berharap dia akan terus bersamaku, menuntunku, berlari bersamaku, menangis bersamaku, sakit bersamaku, meskipun kami tak akan saling memiliki…

Ya Tuhanku,sembuhkan luka dlm hati ini...
Atas dasar cintaku,aku hanya ingin “dia” bahagia...

Sungguh.. hanya ingin dia bahagia...

Dalam segala perkara
Tuhan punya rencana
Yang lebih besar dari semua yg terpikirkan
Apapun yg Kau perbuat
Tak ada maksud jahat
Sebab itu kulakukan semua denganMu Tuhan
Ku tak akan menyerah pd apapun juga sebelum kucoba semua yg kubisa
Tetapi ku berserah kpd kehendakMu
Hatiku percaya Tuhan punya rencana
Song by: Jonathan Prawira-Tak Akan Menyerah

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

i begin to hopeless

:'( mr. goat, where r you?i really need you.
my lovely cat is sick, i have to pick up the other cat. u promise that u will accompany me, right? :( pls come back if you read this. i really worries of you.
im sick now

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

My Own Hapiness

Pls God, I really beg you for all my tears. Don’t broke this. It’s the last thing for make my own smile. God you have arranged my life, you have arranged all thing to came for my future, but God, pls, I wish that I can make my own happiness for ever after. I know that he might never be mine, so pls let me adore him for make my own happiness. Im weak, you knew that. Pls don’t make me crazier anymore…

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Latter to Mr.Goat

^^ hello, sekarang it’s time to speak in English lagi ya, so we have to end speak in bahasa soalnya my friend in foreign told me that they don’t understand with google translate when they try to catch what I mean in the older post,kekeke*it’s mean that if I wanna cheating u, I have to speak in bahasa,wkwkkwk*kidding

Yesterday, stella tagged me in a note for Mr.A*he is a boy whom stella adore at JHS,hahaha. When I told Masaki*emmmmmh, what call for you?brother?but you always cheating me ==” best friend? But you are like my brother ==” ah, whatever,kekekeke. Well, when I told him about stella’s note(iya tau gue rumpi bgt cyint,wkkwwk)he gave me some challenge to make letter for Mr.Goat. aaaaaa, now, check this out.
p.s: hey masaki, I’ve wrote in my post ya, so you have to do the same with miss nananana,haha

Dear Mr.Goat
how are you?are fine?i hope the answer is yes. Well mr.goat, if you ask me about my condition, im not ok at all. I really have headache because I often(too often)thinking of you ^^ mr.goat, did my prediction for your future come true at all?hummm, im anxious, hehe.
==” ah, bla bla bla, im confused. I cant write lovely dopey letter. The point are: I have to say that I’d waiting for you as far as I can, hmmm, I thought you are looking for the right princess. But if you look at me?ah, im not perfect, im fat, my hair doesn’t always stay in a place, I spill a lot of things, im pretty clumsy , my skin is not too fair, my face full of acnes, etc, im mess up!!! I wont born like this, but I LOVE TO BE IMPERFECT.hehe
You might be the ugliest Goat, but I never give my damn care about that, I just love you just the way you are(we know that I neveeeeeeeer see you, n I can love you more than anything that I see everyday)
Paris Hilton said: I don’t care what people thinks of me. the people I care about know the real me n that’s all that matter.*cooooooooooooool
Mr.goat, I love you since that day, 2years later until now n all of my feeling will be end when I cant wake up tomorrow. Hey Mr.Goat, if tomorrow never come for me, will you know how much I love you? :/ you will regret to lose me loh,hahahaha. So Mr.Goat, I love you everyday more than my heart can love something ^^ I know your answer is “no” errrrrrr. But im still want waiting for you ^^ I know that I cant fight the fate, I know that I cant change your mind, but I just want you to know that here’s a girl that adore you, a girl who always pray the best luck for you every night, a girl who always waste her tears every night to crying for you, a girl who always care about all of yours(although you never care about the girl), a girl who love you more than anyone can love you, a girl who want to give her everything for you, a girl who sit with lil smile while waiting for you come to her arms n tells her all about your pain, a girl who always happier when you happy n always sadder if you are sad, a girl who always … I dunno, this is kind of suck girl who fuckin in love with you, Mr.Goat.

So mr.Goat, see ya. That gurl waiting for your invitation date ^^

post diary

Well guys, sebenernya dah dari kmrn pgn buat post ini, but gue harus melakukan berbagai macam ritual terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan post ini*cieeeeeee

Gk gk, kmrn2 pesantren 2 hari. Apa yg terjadi di pesantren?garing,krn sahabat gue(non) ngga bareng gue, jadi ya hari gue ngga seidiot biasanya,haha.

Fyi: seari sblm pesantren ==” kmrn hari pertama bikin film, muka gue diilangin Sam(in). DASAR COWOK AUTIS!!!gila aja, kita berdua dah kea pasangan(laknat)mondar mandir cari bethadine ma perban dan kita tu mpe kea anak ilang berdua dengan keautisan si Sam(in) masuk ke rumah2 orang,errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Pulang dari lokasi syuting sms nyokap(ceritanya menunaikan kewajiban jmpt adek gue)gni:
Bu, anggie dah pulang. Ini jemput adek jam brapa?
Jeng jeng, reply si nyokap:
Nanti, masih lama
Sms gue selanjutnya:
Nyokap sms lagi:
Mbak, km msh lma nggak syutingnya?jemput adek ya?
Reply gue:
loh?gmn ini?
Without say anything nyokap dah ngga reply, dah gitu langsung aja gue otw ke sekolah adek gue. Sampe sana ketemu nyokap. Bengong deh gue.
Gue: bu, tadi katanya aku yg jemput?
Nyokap: loh?gmn to?
Gue: (explain about text ago)
Nyokap: lha wong ibu tadi mandi, ngga sms kmu
Gue: *dongo

Nyampe rumah buka fb bentar, di tag stella tentang later Mr.A, yaaaaah, beberapa paragraph nyebut gue sbg miss playgirl akud ==” ahelah, kpn saya gonta ganti pasangan?daridulu cinta matinya kan Cuma sama rand**a, hadeh. Konfirmasi: teman2 lelaki saya banyak, yang deketin saya banyak juga, tapi buat bergonta ganti pacar, itu bukan kebiasaan saya, saya lebih memilih mengakhiri suatu hubungan ketika saya sudah tidak sanggup bertahan daripada selingkuh. Sekian ^^*gue berasa di inpotemen,wkwkwk

Well, sekarang gue certain pesantren gue. Jadi dari awal pesantren itu gue smsn ma Mr.Goat, tp pasti dia ngga bls smpe gue dikacangin mpe besoknya lagi :’( tp gpp lah, yg pntg bs smsn,hahaha.

Jadi, di hari pertama pesantren hati gue entah ada apa gerangan, gue CUKUP tersentuh dg “kasih sayang seorang bapak”. Sedikit cerita, I’ve father who always force me to do anything what he wants, he always wants me to be THE BEST in every field. We are all know that it’s a hard thing apalagi sambil dipaksa ==” siapa yg suka coba, if I failed to do that he will angry to me n he will say that im bad. Oh GOSH!!!kadang ngga tahan, krn apa yg gue mau NGGA PERNAH sejalan ma beliau. Jadi, kmrn hari pertama pulang bawa motor kea biasa, lewat jalan yg sama kea biasa, pake helm yg sama kea biasa, pokoknya semua kea biasa. Jeng jeng, ada mokmen deket sekolah ternyta. Mau kabur tapi ya gmn, yasutralah boo*lho?

Seperti biasa pula, STNK ma Kartu pelajar ditahan*iya gue blm cukup umur. Kalo biasanya bapak ambil STNK ma Kartu pelajar ngga pake lama, ada yg beda disini krn polisi yg nahan STNK ma Kartu pelajar anak baru ternyta(polisi baru a.k.a polbar). Here we go:
Polbar: pak, mbok anaknya dibuatkan SIM
Bpk: mas’nya kalo bisa buatin ya mbok dibuatin, tak bayar berapa pun. Orang masih 16 tahun gt kok
Polbar: ya suruh aja naek sepeda ontel
Bpk: tolong dipraktekin ya mas, km itu anak baru sudah menggurui saya. Saya itu di polantas sudah 28tahun, saya tahu apa yg saya lakukan. Anak kmrn sore saja pecicilan, ngga sopan km. Saya ngga mau anak saya naik sepeda dari rumah ke sekolah. Mas’nya missal punya anak, apa anak sampean akan disuruh naik sepeda dari rumah ke sekolah yg jaraknya 7km?poklek sikile!!!(means: broke your foot)
Polbar: *diam tanpa kata(cie massiver)haha

Jleb jleb, denger cerita begitu dari nyokap, rasanya…aduh ngga ngerti deh ah. I know that he is fierce, but he love me more than my love to him :'( I feel so guilty sometimes if I review what I’ve done to him. I often make him disappointed when I couldn’t do what he want :’( aaaaa, oh God!!! Ya emg si, si polbar itu ngga sepenuhnya salah nahan gue ==” tapi toh dia nantang singa bgtu. Pangkatnya si polbar ini jauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh dibawah bokap. *pangkat bokap gue?rahasia.hahaha. Nah kebetulan kanitnya si polbar bawahannya bokap*pokoknya gtulah, bingung gue jelasinnya. Coba kanitnya denger, tau deh tu gmn nasibnya. Well, the point is I thank to God for made me born in this family :)) sometimes it’s damn bad, but often it’s fuckin good at all.haha

Hari kedua pesantren:
Nah, ada yg lucu ini. Jadi ketemu temen lama(temen TK), dia kelasnya sebelahan ma gue. Dia masa tau2 nanya bgini:
Gue: *keluar masjid(cie masjid)
Dia: hoi*gaya sok cool dg barang2 distro
Gue: oi, darimana?
Dia: kelas, mau pulang. Enak ngga pesantrennya?
Gue: ngga, aku pengen cpt2 pulang kerumah maen kucing*sambil duduk
Dia: *ikutan duduk. Eh aku nanya deh, kalo missal puasa kentut itu dosa ngga ya?bingung aku(fyi: kita blak2an krn sahabatan, ortu kita bahkan shbtn)
Gue: *dongo.(fyi: asli ngga ngeh sma skali gue, orang msuk islam aja baru bgni). Ngga boleh,tau*sok tau
Dia: wah, batal berarti ya?
Gue: iya, apalagi kalo kentut sambil makan tempe(my favorite food),batal itu*garrrrrring
Dia: *mukanya langsung ditekuk. Seriuuuuuuus nggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Gue: pokoknya kalo kentut jgn smbil minum es cendol(minuman favorit dia), nanti batal
Dia: hassss, bilang aja km ngga tau
Gue: *ngakak
Wkwkwkwk, so if you guys in Arab there, if you know whether flatus can be cancelled our fasting or not, you can text me on my email at: kekekeke
^^ the longest post, right?so enough for today ya. I’ve post 2news,hehe

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

berita duka n gembira ^^

:D today I’ll speak in bahasa ya?so for you outside there, pls open the dictionary ^^,kekekeke

Sorenya: jleeeeeeeeeb jlebb, tertohok*alah.pokoknya intinya galau luar biasa. Rada deg2n krn gue ngga tau apa nazar itu boleh dibocorin ato ngga(if you r an uztad pls contact me), tp yaudahlah dah bocor ini. Yaaaaaah, sneng si waktu dia blg “mau ikut” gue kira wish gue bakal come true. U kno what?ternyta ngasal ngomong ==” errrr
p.s: he’s the person I always telling about when I looking for,kekeke

slesai magrib: new born for my puppy ^^ ini ni penampakannya

it’s boy at all, huah, bingung juga mau namainnya.
Well, here we go…
For that white one: puteh (means have white fur)
For that red tabby one: pingko (rada ping itu cuy, ngga lucu gue namain pingki,haha)
For that brown one: brownie (brown fur, right?)
Nah for that black one: prawo (nananna’s name,wkwkwk)
The last: woro(nanana’s name)hahaha
^^ kekeke, hope they will be gud boy like their father, Robert

oya, today kita(XIS2) mulai bikin film ^^ Wish us luck,ahhaa

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Goat is Dika

Somebody's Her lyrics

You, do you remember her?
Like she remember you?
Do you spend your life
Going back in your mind to that time?

Cause she, she walk the streets alone
she hate being on her own
And everyone can see that she really fell
And she's going through hell
Thinking about you with somebody else

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody cant breathe, without you it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That somebody's her, that somebody's her

How, how did we go wrong?
It was so good and now it's gone
And she pray at night that our paths soon will cross
And what we hide isn't lost
Cause you're always right here in her thoughts

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody cant breathe, without you it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That somebody's her

You will always be in her life even if she's not in your life
Cause you're in her memory

You, will you remember her?
And before you set her free, oh, listen please

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can?t breathe, without you it?s lonely
Somebody hopes that someday you will see
Somebody's me, that somebody's her
That somebody's her, that somebody's her, oh, yeah

^^ thx for deohan arustama for made this video together with me, check this out

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Failed Planing

I’ve passed 2nd day of august…it’s gonna be hell year for 2nd day in august. How can I said like that? I’ve prepared all thing to him, but It was wasted  oh my, what the hell happened!!!!

The failed planning in 2nd august:
1. Wake him up at 12AM by sms to disturb him(bcs I knew that he would never accept my telephone) without saying “happy birthday”:D
2. Make a blackforest cake for him(I knew he loves chocolate n I’ve got course for make this cake last year in Bogasari). After that make some chocolate n pack them in a pink love box with red ribbon
3. When the sun is rising, send him a text to make a date in Amplaz
4. Waiting for his answer n sleeping for a while
5. If he answer my text n say yes, take a bath n give the best “makeup” for my date with him. But if he say no…better if I eat my cake alone in my bedroom n hearing some songs from children of bodom,the side project, Monkey to millionaire, scared of bums, and paramore. N give my chocolate to my sister n her friends.
6. When he answer yes: take the cake n the chocolate in Lala(restaurant near Amplaz) n going tp Amplaz without gift, cake, or something like that.
7. When he answer yes: meet him n watching some movie, after that get lunch in KFC or Solaria, and then playing at Timezone, after that walking around to talk about something for a while
8. When he answer yes: invite him to Lala n asked my friend to sing a song(not birthday song)with accapella
9. When he answer yes: asked him to make a wish before blow the candle, eat the cake together.
10. When he answer yes: give him some chocolate in the end n give him that “gift”hahha
11. At 11:99PM say “Happy Birthday” n be the last person,kekekeke

==” but I know this is fasting month, so we move to plain B,kekkee. Here we go:
1. Disturb him at 12AM by Misscall without saying “happy birthday”:D
2. Make a blackforest cake for him(I knew he loves chocolate n I’ve got course for make this cake last year in Bogasari). After that make some chocolate n pack them in a pink love box with red ribbon
3. When “sahur”, wake him up, sahur, and then sleep for a while
4. When he wake up at 9 or 10 Am, send him a text for see the sunset n “ngabuburit” at Kuwaru Beach(I dunno where is it, but pll says it’s near paragtritis n the view is beautiful)
5. If he say yes: we meet at 3Am at Janti n going there with one motorcycle or car(one of us have to take our motorcycle or car in my father office)
6. If he say yes: when we arrived there, my friends will sing an accapella song(not birthday song)
7. We both eat the cake together n see the sunset
8. In the end I will say to him that I love him n I wouldn’t asked the answer anymore n I’ll ask him my chocolate
9. Go home at “magrib”, when arrived at Janti asked that “gift”
10. At 11:99PM say “Happy Birthday” n be the last person,kekekeke
==” yeah, plan B I try to be romantic girl,wkwkwkwk

:D but I know both of above my plains are failed n im not prefer for plain C or another plain if he say “No” or “I’m sorry I cant, I have to go to Bandung for “buka bersama” with my old friends there”, yeaaaaaah, it was gonna be wasted,kekekke. Nope lah, I’ve tried my best, whereas I know it … wased … hmmmm.

Now, if he’s reading this post maybe he will be angry or leave me over again, but I don’t care. He maybe will say “you are so selfish because you said like that”. I DON’T CARE ANYMORE!!!
So before he say that im selfish I will say first, “ hey boy, aren’t you more selfish than me? you just see everything with your view n never see in me, you make me realize that you are everything for me n when im fly up, you make me down with leave me without something which can make me contact you. You never see in me, you never see how pretty me is without your caress n I think you don’t care of all I was feel when you weren’t with me. you are so selfish, aren’t you?so, before you say that im so selfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish, look at the mirror n see yourself :)”*am I so suck?kekeke
The first of august stella(my BFF) said: kamu tu ngapain ngurusin orang kea gitu?udah jelas2 dia ngga peduli kamu, masih aja kamu berusaha buat orang kea gitu. Kea banalu aja lama2, nggondeli terus*forward some od her text on my phone
My feeling?jleb jleb…like a knife*the song of secondhand serenade,kekkeke
:) well, enough of my post today. Thx for reading

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

i live my life for you

:( guys, im sick right now, over n over again....aaagggght!!!im so disgusting with myself, curse me for this damn pain!!!

right now, u r the only reson for me to live my life. im not strong enough as you know, but always i try to be strong like what everyone wanted me to so tired. i've tried so many way to cure my pain :( God, help me, im too weak to get up, help me...

he said that i have to be strong :) im stooooong!!!hahaha*foolish hoping

hope someday, i can see your cutest smile.i dunno how long God will be calling me, but the last will i've is ... see your cutest smile. i just want you to accompany me, whatever is that, as my gud friend, as my BF, or anything. i just wanna you to closr with me :'( only you the thing that all i wanted right now. i know that someday you will leave me over again, but i beg to you to stay with me, pls dont leave me anymore. i really need you more than anything in this world. pls dont leave me anymore*crying...

you r the only star i want see at night, yu r the only flower i wanna feel that smell, you r the only hokki for mr to get, you r the only rain i wanna wet my land, n you r the only person between million people i wanna know n i wanna have in my own world :')

if you wanna leave me again, i wish that you would like to read this blog, i really need you, soo pls i beg you to stay with me for any loger aver after :')

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

the sadest day

:’( po, I miss you much, can you hear me?

After The Rain
Words and music by Adhitia Sofyan

About the song :
The simple thought of missing someone that’s far far away.

If I could bottled the smell of the wet land after the rain
I’d make it a perfume and send it to your house
If one in a million stars suddenly will hit satellite
I’ll pick some pieces, they’ll be on your way

In a far land across
You’re standing at the sea
Then the wind blows the scent
And that little star will there to guide me

If only I could find my way to the ocean
I’m already there with you
If somewhere down the line
We will never get to meet
I’ll always wait for you after the rain

:’( po, something always whispers on my ear that you there ok n you want me to do something best everytime. Po, do u know, im stronger than yesterday :’D you have to see on me now, I want to tell you everything since you passed away :’(
I miss you softness, you hand when you caress my hair n waiting for me till Im sleeping n kiss my forehead when im wake up. I miss you when you angry to me when im wet cs the rain. N when it rain, we always looking at the rain n smell the wet ground after the rain, etc.

Po, if I were an angel, I would go to where you are n I would say that I wont lose you, I would ask to god to call “her” than he call you. I would be happy ever after like a princess in a fairy tales. But I know that I would never be that princess or I would be that angel. I couldn’t do anything to make you come back to me, I just cried like now to show that I miss you so much. You never gonna be change by everything in this world.

For “her”

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

:) guys, this is something new for me, I had this story in my school when I had the workshop. Well, here we goes:
My name is valent, I was born in a crowded family. My father never want me, because my mother give me a birth without any plain, it was an “accident” . I feel so depressed. My father always curse me, he always torture me. I knew that I just bastard n they wont me.
Someday my father strangkle choke my mom, I was crying, but I couldn’t anything. I entered my bedroom n crying.
When I was 14years old, my father angry to me because I made a lil mistake, I was late to going home. My father wanted to kill me with that sword, before he killed me, he asked me,” what do you want?you always make my life so complicated, I hate you very much,”lucky me, he close his sword n blow me with gasper. Over n over again I entered my bedroom, I planed to kill him. But something whisper in my ear, “don’t do that, you just broke yourself,”then I asked him, “who are you? r u God? why you never help me till now? don’t you know I’m so suffer?,”he silent for a while. I asked him again,”what should I do?im depression?,”he answered,”I promise that I will make you be better n smart person,”
Finally, he make her promises to be come true…

Well guys, it’s a short story from miss valent in the workshop, it could tell us that God is available n he know what we want n what the best for us…god always be there for us wherever we are n who ever we are. When no body love you, God still love you n he never leave you, God love you more than anything or whoever in this world :)

Firstly, I just want to say to God: thx God for everything, I knew that everybody leave me, you still here accompany me. I know you are the most … everything to love me everytime :) secondly, I would like to say thx for my parent, because of them im here now n im happy to be their daughter. Thx mom for love my me they way I am, I know that I often be naughty daughter, but you also be my suck mom. Deep in my soul, I never hate you n I always love you Mom…for my father, pha, I know that I am too talkative for ask anything in this world, but thx for give me everything I need, I know that I often suck bcs im too spoiled, I also know you’ve hard working for us, thx pha :) thirdly, for my best best best brother n sister whom I cant says their name one by one, I just want you all to know that I couldn’t be like this without any support for you guys :)

N.B: my life is crowded by randika praworo putro, what a ... guy!!! i am not sleeping tonight for waiting his answer, WHAT THE H**L!!!

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

:D thx God, I knew that you love me much.
Well guys, finally I found him. I dunno what kind of ghost inside him, but he sent me a text that show he missed me n asked about my condition,haha.
:’D thx god, finally you answer my prayer, I really please to say thx to You,hahahha*crying
:) I’ve been so looooooooooooooooong waiting for you to say: ah monyet lu.wkkwkwwk. a a, I really miss you, I swear for everything that I have, I miiiiiiiissssssssssssss you much much much :D
I write this post with crying, bcs he said that he is one of student of UGM,it’s mean that we are in the same town,hahaha. I dunno what should I do, I realllllllllllllly happpppppppppppppppppy,ahahaha, I just wanna cry for him,hahahaha,
Thx God for make me this way,my heart beat faster, my tears is running down, my skin is like take off of my body, I’m meltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing,ahhaha

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Hell Hospital

:D menikmati masa liburan di RS kmrn,hahaha
well, this is my (ugly) face when im sick n i have to get some treatment in hospital.
hmmmm, he want me this way :D

Senin, 04 April 2011

where are you????

:'( where are you?wherever you are, i miss you much. gue blm nyerah buat nemuin lo, gue blm capek buat berharap lo dateng. brapa banyak airmata yg harus gue keluarin tiap mlm buat nunjukin ke lo kalo gue pengen tau keadaan lo?
:'( dimana pun lo sekarang, gue pengen lo hubungin gue. sekali aja :'(
im broke without you

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Lovely Goat

Kěài de shānyáng
Ü bù jìde wǒ, jiù xiàng wǒ yǒngyuǎn jìde nǐ ma?

: ) Nǐ hái jìde nǐ gàosu wǒ, nǐ huì chuān “behel “nǐ hútú le. Ránhòu rista gàosu wǒ, tā ài shàng le yī wèi nánhái, tā de chuān “behel “, nàme nǐ xiǎng chuān “behel “. Nǐ zhīdào nà shí wǒ zhēn de hěn shāngxīn, bo wǒ, jǐnliàng bùyào yǐ xiǎnshì wǒ shì xiàdié, ahaha. Wǒ xiǎng nǐ. Wǒ xǐhuan xiě zhè 2 languanges zhíwèi, yīnwèi wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ huì wèn wǒ shénme shì tā de yìsi shì, xiànzài nǐ míngbái wǒ de yìsi:)

lovely goat
do u remember me like i always remember you?

:) do you remember when you told me that you would wear "behel"?you confused. and then rista told me that she loved a boy whose wear "behel", then you wanna wear "behel". did you know, at that time i really sad, bu i try not to show what i was fell,ahaha. i miss you. i would love to write this post in 2 languanges, because i am sure you will ask me what its mean, and now you know what i mean :)

Remember My Sweet Moment

“Will you remember me the way I remember you
Will you be the same the last time I saw you
You are the sweetest
Every moment with you is the sweetest one”
:D haha, ngga tau knp gue suka bgt ma lagu ini(yaaa, gue tau ini ngiklan bgt krn ini OST.tropinaca-slim). Well, I hope he know that I always remember him although I’ve tries to forget him.

Dearest Dikaaaa
Dika, gue ngga tau dimana lo sekarang n gue ngga tau lagi apa lo. Gue ngga tau kabar lo, gue ngga tau keadaan lo, gue ngga tau keseharian lo, bahkan gue bnr2 ngga tau gmn bntuk lo sekarang. Gue ngga tau apa gue terlalu salah smpe lo lakuin ini ke gue. Lo tau?gue bnr2 jd orang yg khlgn smangat idup stlh smua kejadian itu. Dan gue orang yg paling nyesel krn saat itu gue gk bias ketemu lo. gue dah hilangin kesempatan kdua gue buat ketemu lo. gue kangen lo. tiap mlm gue selalu ngomong ke Tuhan kalo gue pengen ketemu lo n gue kangen lo.

Dika, gue tau, mungkin seandainya lo baca ini, lo juga ngga bakal hubungin gue lagi. Lo tau gue selalu seneng tiap hari imlek, tpi imlek taun ini lo bahkan ngga hubungin gue buat ucapin gong xi fatchai. Haha, lo inget ngga, lo pernah blg lo nyaman deket ma gue pas lo bnr2 patah hati ma rista. Kita chat ampe jam 12:30AM, itu gr2 lo pth hti n stress sndiri,haha. Ahirnya gue hibur lo, bahkan kita sempet bikin percakapan pake bahasa jawa, yaaa walopun gue buka kamus n Tanya ke elo,haha. Lo inget ngga tiap gue cheers you up?gue selalu bilang: give me D, give me I, give me K, give me A, dikaaaa, YAY!!! You can do that Goat. Lu inget?hahaha. lu tau ngga, gue selalu nulis 4huruf yg sama disetiap kata, gue selalu inget nickname lo: dikaaaa. :D kambing, gue ngga pernah hapus sms lo satupun, gue kmrn nangis lho gr2 hp gue kna virus n sms lo ilang :’( tp untung masih ada dikit di internal memory. Mbing, lu kangen gue ngga? Gue nulis post ini sambil nangis inget lo,haha. Gue kangen teriakin lo buat bangunin lo n loselalu BUDEG,hahahaha. Gue tau itu nyebelin krn gue ganggu waktu lo tlfn lo berjam-jam. Itu semua krn gue pgn dkt ma lo :’) bego deh gue. Lo inget ngga tiap gue ngambeg, lo ngapain gue? Tiap lo tinggalin gue, gue ngambeg. Lo tau knp?krn gue pgn selalu dkt ma lo, gue ngga mau jauh dr lo sedetik pun, tapi sekrng?lo tau jwbnnya. Dlu,lo selalu hibur gue tiap gue punya mslh(walopun kbnykn gue yg ksh msukan ke elo). Mbing, inget ngga, lo stress sndiri pas rista msuk RS n tau rista itu kea “gitu”, tp gue bs bkin lo bangkit lagi(dpn gue lo gt,gktau blakang gue). Pas ada test fisik di Kalasan, gue pgn bgt ktmu lo saat itu, tp ngga bisa :’( lo ngedumel sndiri gr2 dapet giliran panas, dan stelah itu mendung,hahahaha. Lo sedikit mkn, tp kalo mkan soto Pak Min bs mpe 3 mangkok,hahhaah. Mbing, gue ngga pernah lupa hal skecil apapun yg prnh lo certain, gue ngga pernah lupa kbiasaan buruk lo, gue ngga pernah lupa hal baik dr lo, gue ngga bs lupa semuanya. Kambing, gue kangen ada yg pgl gue monyet, gue kangen Tanya jwb tntg islam ke elo, gue kangen cheng2in lo, gue kangen bercandaan lo tntg nikahin gue saat lo dah punya kerjaan tetap n lo ngga mau pacarin gue, gue kangen nungguin lo berjam2 buat pv lo, gue kangen brantem ma lo, gue kangen gokil2n ma lo, gue kangen jwb2 pertanyaan2 konyol lo tntg keluarga gue ato apapun itu yg berhubungan ma Chinese, gue kangen dipanggil cina n gue bakal bilang lo jawa(abis itu lo slalu bilang gue rasis, pdhl lo dluan,haha), gue kangen dimintain pendapat ma lo, gue kangen liat lo nangis saat gue cerita tntg canon gue n lo inget canon lo yg lo jual, gue kangen dgrn lo curhat tntg cew yg lo syg(mskipun bkn gue), gue kangen lo marahin, gue kangen liat lo stress, gue kangen lo cuekin, gue kangen baca blog lo berulang2(dan lo apus itu krn lo ngga mau gue baca), gue kangen baca comment2 di blog lo(mskipun cm bkin sakit), gue kangen lo blg gue gk bisa melek, gue kangen lo blg: kalo lo item trs gue apa?haha, gue kangen ketawa lo, gue kangen gaya bahasa lo, gue kangen “haha” lo, “ckckck” lo, “wkwkwk” lo, hmmmm,gue kangen semuanya mbing.

Mbing, bonyok lo msh sring lo bikin khawatir ngga gr2 charger lo rusak n mama lo gbs tlfn lo?hahaha. kambing, lo bilang lo bkal ngapelin gue?kok gue ngga pernah liat mobil lo parker dpn rmh gue?lo dimn skrg mbing?apa lo baik2 aj?lo ngga telat mkan kan?lo pasti sibuk ma tgs2 lo ya?cie udah kuliah :’D gue stress jadi anak SMA mbing, susah. Abis lulus ini, apa lu msh niat buat ke ITB mbing?lu msh tkt diracunin gr2 krja dibea cukai ngga?hahahaha.

Randika Praworo Putro, dasar jelek, bau, jorok, busuk, gue saying lo. gue kangen lo :’) msh byk hal yg pgn gue certain lagi, tp pasti lo bosen. Gue ngga bakal pernah jadi special kea rista di hati lo. Gue ngga bakal bsa pahamin matematika segampang lo pahamin matematika(krn nyokap lo guru matika). Gue bukan cewek yg bakal masuk IPA kea lo. gue bukan cewek sunda kea yg lo mau(pdhl lo blg cew sunda egois krn hal yg dimiliki cew sunda bukan punya suami, tapi hal punya suami adlh hal punya cew sunda. Tp tetep aja lo pgn punya cew sunda). Gue bkn anggota osis(inget ngga lo macarin cew dr skolh lain yg dtg ke sekolah lo, lo manfaatin jabatan lo sbg osis n lo trauma pcrn mulai krn cew itu,haha). Gue bukan cew yg punya laptop apple(lo heboh sndiri pas gue gnti Compaq n apple gue dirampas adek gue). Gue bukan cewek yg bs maen skate(lo msh hobby maen skate n speda BMX ngga dik?haha). gue cewek pecinta anjing(inget anjing yg gue temuin, ilang, n mati? :’( gue nangis kan). Gue gk bisa bahasa jawa(n gue beli kamus cma pgn mau ngomong jawa ma lo, gue mau nyiptain alfalink b.jawa, inget?). gue selalu pgn ngajakin lo ke SBY n knaln ma kluarga gue disana(lo jnji mau),dll. Bsa jadi novel kali ni kalo gue trsin. Kambing, gue nunggu lo, walopun gue nggatau kea apa lo sekarang, tapi gue yakin lo selalu inget gue. Gue yakin lo ngga pernah lupa ma gue :’D gue tau, seminggu lagi,sebulan, setaun,dua tahun,smpai kpn pun lo ngga nemenin gue, tp gue bakal baik2 aja walopun gue terpuruk, tp gue bkal tetep bangkit lagi. gue tau lo lakuin ini smua krn lo pasti mikir ini yg terbaik buat gue, buat lo, buat kita, :’) gue dah dewasa kan mbing?gue skrng punya otak yg lbh tua dari lo :’P inget ya jelek, gue nunggu lo datang kerumah gue, lo janji kan?lo juga janji mau upload foto lo(tp mpe gue jamuran lo ngga tepatin).

:’) mbing, gue nunggu lo :’) mbing, gue kangen lo :’) mbing, kalo lo suatu saat nemuin gue, lo hrs certain semuanya :’) mbing, lo selalu bilang kalo jodoh ngga bkal pergi kmn2 :’) mbing, cpt blik ya :’) mbing, gue sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang ma lo

Anggraeni Puspita Dewi

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Nǐ, nǐ hái jìde wǒ ma?
Jiù xiàng wǒ jìde nǐ?
Nǐ huā nǐ de shēnghuó
Nǐ zhèngzài xiǎng huí dào nàgè shíhou?

? Yīnwèi wǒ, wǒ dúzì zài jiē shàng xíngzǒu
Wǒ tǎoyàn wǒ zìjǐ
Měi gèrén dōu kěyǐ kàn dào, wǒ zhēn de ài shàng
Ér wǒ? Mǐ jīnglì dìyù
Xiǎng zhe nǐ yǔ biérén

Yǒurén yào nǐ, yǒurén xūyào nǐ
Nǐ měi tiān wǎnshàng yǒurén mèngxiǎng
Yǒurén kěyǐ ma? Dūn hūxī méiyǒu nǐ,? Jìmò
Yǒurén xīwàng yǒu yītiān nǐ huì kàn dào
Yǒurén shì wǒ, nà rén jiùshì wǒ, shì a

Zěnme yàng, wǒmen zěnme huì chūcuò ne?
Tā shì nàme hǎo, xiànzài ne? Bùjiàn le
Ér wǒ zài yèlǐ qídǎo, wǒmen de lù hěn kuài jiāng kuàyuè
Ér wǒmen yě bù huì diūshī yǐncáng
Yīnwèi nǐ? Chóngxīn zǒng shì duì wǒ de sīxiǎng zài zhèlǐ

Yǒurén yào nǐ, yǒurén xūyào nǐ
Nǐ měi tiān wǎnshàng yǒurén mèngxiǎng
Yǒurén kěyǐ ma? Dūn hūxī méiyǒu nǐ,? Jìmò
Yǒurén xīwàng yǒu yītiān nǐ huì kàn dào
Yǒurén de wǒ, ó, shì

Nǐ jiāng yǒngyuǎn zài wǒ de shēnghuó, jíshǐ wǒ? Mǐ bùshì zài nǐ de shēnghuó
? Yīnwèi nǐ zài wǒ de jìyì
Nǐ, nǐ huì jìde wǒ ma?
Zhīqián, nǐ ràng wǒ zìyóu, ō, qǐng tīng

Yǒurén yào nǐ, yǒurén xūyào nǐ
Nǐ měi tiān wǎnshàng yǒurén mèngxiǎng
Yǒurén kěyǐ ma? Dūn hūxī méiyǒu nǐ,? Jìmò
Yǒurén xīwàng yǒu yītiān nǐ huì kàn dào
Yǒurén shì wǒ, nà rén jiùshì wǒ
Yǒurén shì wǒ, nà rén jiùshì wǒ, ó, shì

You, do you remember me?
Like I remember you?
Do you spend your life
Going back in your mind to that time?

?Cause I, I walk the streets alone
I hate being on my own
And everyone can see that I really fell
And I?m going through hell
Thinking about you with somebody else

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can?t breathe, without you it?s lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That somebody's me, that somebody's me, yeah

How, how did we go wrong?
It was so good and now it?s gone
And I pray at night that our paths soon will cross
And what we hide isn't lost
Cause you?re always right here in my thoughts

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can?t breathe, without you it?s lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That somebody's me, oh, yeah

You will always be in my life even if I?m not in your life
?Cause you're in my memory
You, will you remember me?
And before you set me free, oh, listen please

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can?t breathe, without you it?s lonely
Somebody hopes that someday you will see
Somebody's me, that somebody's me
That somebody's me, that somebody's me, oh, yeah

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Miss this one

:D maaf ya lama bgt gue ngga update, sibuk sekolah dan u know lah, i have to done so many (hell) homework. n u know what? my network connection is broke at home, sux!!!
well, i miss this one